Good Mood/Bad Mood

Gerald Washington
2 min readSep 29, 2020
Let the darkness flow above you.
Photo by Jonathan Rados on Unsplash

One moment to trigger you, that’s all it takes. It’s amazing how a single act or gesture can drive a person into a dark mood. It isn’t like we ask for it either. We just live our normal (or new normal) lives, and for the most part, we’re either in a good or solid mood.

The Good Feeling Is Gone

Until an evil act (to us) intentionally or unintentionally shatters the blue skies we had in our minds. Things start to look dark even though there are plenty of lights inside a building. Our sharp focus is lost. The world continues to move along, but ours is stuck in a dark fog. All we think about is the slight or neglect a person gave us.

We play it in our minds every hour, every second, or every day. The dark mood we end up in drives up to borderline madness. We think of many ways to write this wrong. This wrong must be changed. It must! Nothing else matters except getting revenge for the pain we’re feeling.

The emotions we feel while having a bad mood can be a nightmare to overcome. Your body can be trembling trying to control them. The anger that’s bubbling inside of you wants to desperately come out and be free. And in a way, it does through subtle remarks or the tone of our voice.

If we’re around this person (that puts up in a bad mood) a lot, we do everything we can to avoid them. No eye contact is aloud! The pain in our eyes when we see them is too much to bear. Sadly, we learn that you have to ride out this storm of emotions that takes control of your body. The bad mood that we could be in has to take its course.

The Return To Normal

It’s not easy, it’s never easy, but it’s necessary for all of us. Eventually, the bad mood begins to slowly go away. We start to become our lovely bubbly self again, just like the last time a period of a bad mood took over you. This time, we even learn that the whole scenario was a misunderstanding all along.

That friend we thought was ignoring us, wasn’t. They just couldn’t hear us because of our masks. Our brains just made an assumption and just ran with it because of past slights. We’re in a good mood again! The blue skies roam free again in our minds. May it stay that way for an eternity.



Gerald Washington

Just a curious writer trying to navigate a complex world. Sharing my words helps a lot with that.